Write On!!!


don't send me anymore email like this PLEASE!!!!


If you have children or grand-children or you have neighbor children whose parents you know, please take note of the info below or pass it along to others. Schools are a distribution point to children for this book through the Scholastic Book Club. ~~~~~~ Beware of the book,* Conversations with God.* Dr. James Dobson talked about this book twice this week. It is devastating and parents and Christian schools need to be aware of this. Do pass it on to church/e-mail addressees, Parents, Grand parents, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, friends. Please pay special attention not only to what your kids watch o! n ! ! TV and in movie theaters and the music they listen to, but we must also be alert regarding the books they read. Two particular books, "Conversations with God" and "Conversations with God for Teens," written by Neale D. Walsch, sound harmless enough by their titles alone. These books have been on the New York Times best sellers list for a number of weeks, and these publications make truth of the statement, "Don't judge a book by its cover/title."
The author purports to answer various questions from kids using the "voice of God". However, the "answers" that he gives are not Bible-based and go against the very infallible word of God. For instance (and I paraphrase), when a girl asks the question "Why am I a lesbian?" His answer is that sh! e ! ! was born that way because of genetics (just as you were born right-handed, with blue eyes, etc.). Then he tells her to go out and "celebrate" her differences.

Another girls poses the question "I am living with my boyfriend. My parents say that I should marry him because I am living in sin. Should I marry him?" His reply is, "Who are you sinning against? Not me, because you have done nothing wrong." Another question asks about God's forgiveness of sin. His reply "I do not forgive anyone because there is nothing to forgive. There is no such thing as right or wrong and that is what I have been trying to tell everyone, do not judge people. People have chosen to judge one another and this is wrong, because the rule is "'judge not lest ye be! j! ! udged.'" And the list goes on.

Not only are these books the false doctrine of devils, but in some instances even quote (in error) the Word of God. These books (and others like it) are being sold to school children (The Scholastic Book Club), and we need to be aware of what is being fed to our children. Our children are under attack. So I pray that you be sober and vigilant about teaching your children the Word of God, and guarding their exposure to worldly mediums, because our adversary, the Devil, roams about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). And how many of us know that lions usually hunt for the slowest, and weakest and YOUNGEST of its prey. Pass this on to every Believer you know. God bless! And, if in doubt, look at the books yourself< /em>

a word to ya....from me... if this offends you i cannot apologize b/c personally the first couple of paragraphs of the email i received makes me infuriated.


please do not forward me anymore email pertaining to the matters of this book or the quotations questioned therein. my god is obviously not the same god as yours and reading the judgemental remarks and statements in this forwarded email only promotes my day to be, to say the least, more unpleasant than usual. my god is a loving god, my god does not judge, my god is a forgiving god, my god is an understanding god, my god loves all.

i very seldom act upon the aggression that stirs in me from some email i receive, but this one hits a huge nerve. for one reason..the subject, "beware of this book for children." i am a mother. i am raising my child to love all people no matter their preference as to whom they have sex with or the color of their skin or the sidetracked past they might have had at one time in their life.

a lot of the information in the email is taken out of context and used in ways to sway one to believe that the book is of false doctrine. well, hmmmm...how many interpretations of the bible are there??? the bible is interpreted in one way or the other every sunday for sure by millions...MILLIONS. not all get the same message from the same passage...so who is right? who is right and who is wrong? no one. i believe no one is wrong. the bible is a book. ok. a book written thousands of years ago pertaining to the ways of life then and the stories and illustrations of that time. we use what we can today to put into our daily lives, but not all of the bible is relevant to our present time. i am not going to go further in the comparison to mother goose and hans christian anderson fairytales and the bible, but open-mindedness...well its just NOT a baptist thing, right?

let people write what they want to write. let people be and believe what they want in religious matters. geesh....at least they are promoting something of worth on faith and religion. or we could just hand out harlequin romance novels to all our third and fourth graders...no god in that. no harm in that. stop degrading peoples faith. it is not black and white. there are so many gray areas in religion that it makes it very hard for someone to say...oh, that is the devil's work. you are going to hell for that. says who? who are you to point out the devil? who are you to decide what is right and wrong in the name of religious beliefs? at least there are people that still believe something. let them be and stop conforming everyone, including our children to be judgemental finger pointers. let them be open-minded, open-hearted, dancing, loving babies. that is what they deserve. the right to be themselves. the freedom to express themselves as who they are and not hide behind a pew and withdrawal themselves because..."oh, i may go to hell for this. go to hell and burn in the pits of fire and hang out with demons and devils and crackheads and killers and druggies and lesbians and gays and interracial couples and theives and babies born out of wedlock and strippers and whores and liars and bastards and couples living together unmarried and having s-e-x for all my eternity"

well, my god is a forgiving and understanding and loving god. thank you for that because if not, well i guess i'd be seein' a whole lot of YOU in HELL.

love, jennifer




just some photos that i recently took w/ my cellphone. not the best quality of course, but whatever.

This is stella at the river. She is such a beautiful
dog and of a personality all her own. she is so wild and crazy. we love her, though. the other picture is maddax and bob and muck and lofty and benny at the river. we love to go here and just hang out.

This picture was taken about two day ago out on the back deck. My sweet stinky boy. Our yard is finally coming together. Thank goodness. I would spend all of my money on plants if i could. seriously, it is so therapeutic and relaxing for me. It puts me in my own little world and plus you get to watch them grow. i get so excited about them growing and blooming. truly amazes me.Then we have crazy stella and trent, who has been helping me in my yard. so much appreciated. honestly, i haven't really done anything except plant flowers and pick up a couple of sticks....ha ha. and stella who loves him, which is crazy. if you know her you understand. she is not a people person, but she loves trent. she barks and growls like a mad person at every else, of course not at me and maddax. that dog is a nut.

I wish the pics where better or I could find the cord to my digital camera. I have so much new stuff I need to download, uh...like easter for example. we went to the old mill and took a couple of shots, but maddax was not very cooperative. he was way to busy climbing on rocks and looking at turtles and ducks. my camera only does good on still shots so most are too blury. not up to speed for snapping a running child. can anyone (carissa) tell what kind of camera i need to get if purchasing a new one??? any tips or hints? easy to use and takes great shots...that is all i want. I obviously am bored. Thank god it is friday. maybe going fishing w/ maddax and grammie and grandad on sunday. hopefully the weather will permit. oh and yes, i have to go pick out a bridemaid dress for jon's wedding in august. i am the MAID OF HONOR. yeah. they are so sweet and i am so happy for them. i feel so lucky that sara asked me to be the maid of honor....i was so suprised. little maddax is the ringbearer. i hope they will move to lrock after the wedding, but probably not. she is finishing grad school in russellville. i miss them so so much. they are blessed to have each other. really, i feel lucky to have gotten to spend so much QUALITY time w/ them both over the past 10 months. i really miss my brother. i am sure it shows. i am so proud of him. he needs to come see me. little terd. ok, this is making want to cry so i have to stop writing about my brother. he truly is very close to being one of my children. you just don't know.


love in photos

precious little sara. we have definitely had some 'get to know you better' situations. i am proud of you. love my brother and take care of him, my soon to be sister-in-law (probably not suppose to let that cat outta the bag) i am honored to be your maid of honor. you are so smart and beautiful. i wish you both the best.
oh jess. love you. love you. my sushi eatin' pal. thank you for being here for me when everyone else was so far away. thank you for your honest and your open heart to accept those that are dearest to me. you are truly one of a kind.
my baby. you are my precious angel from heaven. i love you so much. you give me strength through the day. to see your smile is everything to me. i am so blessed to have you. i hope i am doing a good job with you. one never really knows. i try very hard to show you the open-minded way of life with love and truth and honesty in hopes that you too will grow with a mind and heart as wide as the ocean. you are my one...my number one. i never knew what it meant to love until you and i never you what it meant to be loved until you. you are my little partner. no matter what. no questions asked. i love you.

hee hee....my old pal, trey. good luck to you. always you will be a special person to me.

good times and good friends. i don't know if this needs any explanation. but never thought brad morgan would make a post on my blog. who knew?
my little girls. my little twinkling stars. i love you so much. you are so special and so unique.
baby brynn. my bestest friends little spawn. you are a joy and have made my dearest friend the greatest mother. precious are you. a true blessing just like your mom. you are very lucky. you are in one of the greatest most welcoming loveable families i know. little baby burt. take care of your mommy and daddy. they are doing a wonderful job. i love you and your mommy so so so so much. they have been a huge part of my life and will always be as will you.
poo poo stella. dog sheddin hound. crazy barkin and chewin up shoes. not the cheap ones. pissin up the floor and poopin in piles. lickin the lotion off my legs. staring at me while i bath. driving me nuts. mud drippin on the floor. flea scratchin. stealin food off my plate. silly dog. you are the best babysitter i ever had. pretty good dog too, sometimes.

random photos....feeling sentimental

Maddax and Jaxon. This was last summer.
Me and my brother...who has moved out and i miss him more than i ever thought i would. i actually have cried because he is not living with me anymore and i miss him so much. who woulda thought??? i feel like i one of my kids moved away or something. i love you baby jon jon and i am so so proud of you.
my precious at the zoo playing with the gorillas!!!!
my sister and i. i love you so much and i am so happy for you and your family. i can't wait to spoil my precious nephew. i wouldn't trade our friendship for the world. i love you.

little tiff. my babysitter. thank you for being such a great person and sweet girl. you are truly one of a kind. i am so happy to have you silly girls.
my other two babysitters. silly silly silly. i love you both. you are precious to us and have made my living here more worth the while. i love you misti. my dear friend and i wish nothing but happiness your way. you are truly part of our family. i am so glad god brought you three girls in my life. you are little blessings and don't even realize it.
my maddax and i. i love you more than i could ever say or describe. you are my life.
wow. jeanne and jason. i could fill up the page. you are very special to us and you know that. i cherish you and our memories and the memories yet to be made. you guys have stuck it out and that says so much. i am so proud of you...great parents and great friends. i love you both and your little family. you know you are always close in my heart.

jess and jacob. jessica you have gotten me through too much. without you i would have moved from here long ago. your honest abrupt opinions...i wouldn't change you for the world. you are truly a godsend. both of you, the most meant to be couple i have ever known. you give us all hope. i love you. you have been a wonderful friend to me.


I pledge allegiance......with liberty and justice for all?


justice for all?
justice for all?
justice for all?
justice for all?
justice for all?

watch this.
really watch it.
you will need the volume.

i remember the morning this happened. i was getting ready for school. i watched with my mouth dropped to the floor as americans jumped out of windows in fear for their life.

God Bless the USA....ya think?

oh, the irony.


i was just wondering if any one out there had experience dealing w/ a situation of divorce where the other parent is a HUGE ASSHOLE and curses every other breath and is just down right mean!!!! if so, i need some advice on how to deal w/ this HUGE ASSHOLE person. how do you talk to someone who is always screaming at you and putting you down?




Happy Birthday TO YOU!!!!

First of all, THANK YOU, for hooking my blog up. I love it. You are so talented and creative. Jeanne took a picture I previously photoshopped and used it on my page. YEAH!!! That makes it so much more personal.

I hope you have a great birthday. I hope you can relax with all the chaos and just enjoy your day.

So now I have to totally post a JEANNE PAGE!!! HEE HEE HEE HEE!

HA HA!!! This was on the way to Dallas. We were bored and started acting goofy as hell. Brain dead from the drive. Jason got to drive us. Poor Jason. We had an awesome time. Later, we changed clothes and went from ghetto grungy ugly to fantabulistic!!!! I have to say we definitely made a memory getting dressed in that cool ass clothing store. I will never forget that. EVER!!! I'll have to say we did a pretty good job of improvising. But, honestly, I think I like you better in the John Deer toboggan.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEANNE!!!! I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. We will re-celebrate soon. You know I am the queen of dragging out birthdays. I love you!!!!


why do you blog?

a spin off from sweet and somber fairy tale post...

ok, her posts got me to thinking. why do people blog? why do people read blogs? why do i?

my blog is my personal, yet very public, thinking place. to inform the uninformed or to keep up with the unkept. to let people know what is going on in my life or to get out certain emotions or feelings whether personal or not. to yield advice or just state a fact. i like to write. it is a passion of mine. a therapy in a sense that releases in me what a voice cannot. people read that do not comment very often or never. fine. i don't care. i do not use my blog a form of a popularity contest. if you like it. say it. if you hate it. say it. or don't. i am unchanged by your response to what i write because most of the time i write without an audience. meaning it is not intended for any one person or group of people to read. it is my blank paper. to choose to do with whatever i want. if i put something on here personal, unless you know me very well, you will still be in the dark as to what i am talking about. it is makes you gasp. great. if it make you smile. great. if it makes you pissed off. great. because that means i made you THINK about something. sometimes that is my goal. to get peoples minds off their everyday blahs and own to something of a deeper concept.

i don't write about my work on my blog. not because i don't like it, but because i feel that there should be certain separation from your personal and professional life. as a professional, i feel it is unprofessional to write about work on a "personal, public page on the the internet." plus, who wants to read about it? i don't like reading about other peoples work and just think that most people feel the same way, unless it is an event of funniness or entertainment that is short and not too drawn out.

every post on here is not about my child or my homelife or how many times i have to vacuum or how much laundry i do per day. sometimes i go all day with out speaking or have a "real" adult conversation (as a single mom that happens) so i use this as my "adult" time. no offense to anyone who does this...to each is own. i don't like reading about this on other peoples either, well unless of course, it is about a few choice close friends' babies, b/c i am bias and partial and love them in great measures and think that their poop is cute and every story about them is hilarious. i love looking peoples pictures though. i am picture person. can't tell it from my blog, i know. too busy with all that laudry i never blog about to upload photos. so my blog is in a way my "adult time" my "free thinking" time. to say whatever i want. being a parent is wonderful, no doubt. the greatest thing in life and all that, but i miss my adult life pre-parent and i miss my long in debt conversations w/ friends about love, politics, cute sweaters, menstrual cycles, real relationships, unreal relationships, saving the world, etc...oh yeah, and cussing out loud at any given moment. so this is my space for that. my free reign of thought and projection on the world and all the people involved in it. not just the people in my immediate household and not just what my surface thought are. it is in fact an escape from the reality of bob the builder and sippie cups.

i can also bitch people out on my blog without naming names and no one knows and it makes me feeling so much better. that's a huge gain of cool points, for real!!!

and i like reading other peoples blogs, don't get me wrong. even those that are very different from my own. for instance...props to fashionablylate1 and thinkspot. my favorites to read. not because we all share the same interests but they write about things that are important to them or events that happen to them with full force. you can tell from what they write that they are excited about the subject matter or pissed off about it. uncensored emotion. (to a certain degree). it makes me think or get my mind off of my daily blah routine and that is what i crave. all are different and i know this and respect it.

this is my point of view. for those that read my blog. which i know i am not winning the blog popularity contest from comments by far. hell, i can't even link and still have the same layout as when i started this. priorities, i guess. we all have different ones and different directions we like to go in. so now you know mine.

why do you blog? why do read blogs? why do comment? why do you not comment?