Write On!!!


Chris and Jenn Posted by Hello

Laura and Jenn Posted by Hello


Maddax and I in Hamburg for Easter. Posted by Hello

One weird Habit

I have a fear of walking into a room with my pants unzipped. This "your cows are getting out phobia" of mine is driving me crazy because I find myself constantly checking to see if my pants are zipped. I do not know how long I have been doing this, but it is becoming more and more of problem for me. The thing is I do not usually go around with my fly open, so why have I become obsessed with my zipper? Up or down, open or closed, I check myself all day. Maybe it is because I went to a job interview with my pants unzipped. Actually, it is the job I have now. How freaking embarrassing. A person would think that someone with a habitual zipper checking problem would not go to a job enter exposing her hot pink panties. I must have been nervous or else I would have checked my zipper. When I get nervous I forget things that normally would be second nature to remember (i.e. zipping my pants).



Somebody finally has internet at her house now!!!! And stole pics off Chris' blog to put on her own because she is too lazy to put the pictures from her own digital cam on here!!!!

My Baby Maddax at the zoo!!! Posted by Hello

This is Chris and me partying in Greenville, MS YEAH!!! Posted by Hello

Full Moon

Yes, the full moon is coming. Have you ever noticed that when a full moon is approaching things seem to somehow go disarray? For instance, I found myself rushing home on my lunch break trying to beat the garbageman because I threw away my debit card -yes, in a sonic bag. Well, he beat me, but luckily the card was recovered this afternoon from the Sonic in Pine Bluff, Arkansas. I left it there, did not sign the receipt or get my card. Got my food, though!!! FYI-the Sonic Island Fire should be called The Too Damn Hot to Eat Habenero Hamburger.(sorry, if habenero is not spelled correctly, Chris - you can look it up and let me know later...seriously, I would really like to know, and I am too lazy to beat the dust off my Spanish dictionaries.) Anyway, back to the moon and its strange effect on the way people act. I wore pink shoes to work today with black pants and a shirt I forgot to iron. Did not realize the shirt didn't it make to the ironing board until I got to my desk - not a great feeling. So I ate chocolate all day and pretended I was trying to get fat to go along with my hideous outfit. It was the moon's fault, of course. As it gradually grows, my mind looses brain cells, I think. Pay attend to yourself over the next couple of days and just see if you find yourself stumbling over your own feet and dropping everything. I also become a night owl during the presence of a full moon. Good thing it will be here Thursday or Friday... Cannot remember which day.


I'm Back

Sorry, I have not posted in a very long time and will try to do better b/c I am getting internet and cable at my house, finally!!! This is suppose to happen Sunday, but we will see. You know how reliable cablemen can be.