Write On!!!


why do you blog?

a spin off from sweet and somber fairy tale post...

ok, her posts got me to thinking. why do people blog? why do people read blogs? why do i?

my blog is my personal, yet very public, thinking place. to inform the uninformed or to keep up with the unkept. to let people know what is going on in my life or to get out certain emotions or feelings whether personal or not. to yield advice or just state a fact. i like to write. it is a passion of mine. a therapy in a sense that releases in me what a voice cannot. people read that do not comment very often or never. fine. i don't care. i do not use my blog a form of a popularity contest. if you like it. say it. if you hate it. say it. or don't. i am unchanged by your response to what i write because most of the time i write without an audience. meaning it is not intended for any one person or group of people to read. it is my blank paper. to choose to do with whatever i want. if i put something on here personal, unless you know me very well, you will still be in the dark as to what i am talking about. it is makes you gasp. great. if it make you smile. great. if it makes you pissed off. great. because that means i made you THINK about something. sometimes that is my goal. to get peoples minds off their everyday blahs and own to something of a deeper concept.

i don't write about my work on my blog. not because i don't like it, but because i feel that there should be certain separation from your personal and professional life. as a professional, i feel it is unprofessional to write about work on a "personal, public page on the the internet." plus, who wants to read about it? i don't like reading about other peoples work and just think that most people feel the same way, unless it is an event of funniness or entertainment that is short and not too drawn out.

every post on here is not about my child or my homelife or how many times i have to vacuum or how much laundry i do per day. sometimes i go all day with out speaking or have a "real" adult conversation (as a single mom that happens) so i use this as my "adult" time. no offense to anyone who does this...to each is own. i don't like reading about this on other peoples either, well unless of course, it is about a few choice close friends' babies, b/c i am bias and partial and love them in great measures and think that their poop is cute and every story about them is hilarious. i love looking peoples pictures though. i am picture person. can't tell it from my blog, i know. too busy with all that laudry i never blog about to upload photos. so my blog is in a way my "adult time" my "free thinking" time. to say whatever i want. being a parent is wonderful, no doubt. the greatest thing in life and all that, but i miss my adult life pre-parent and i miss my long in debt conversations w/ friends about love, politics, cute sweaters, menstrual cycles, real relationships, unreal relationships, saving the world, etc...oh yeah, and cussing out loud at any given moment. so this is my space for that. my free reign of thought and projection on the world and all the people involved in it. not just the people in my immediate household and not just what my surface thought are. it is in fact an escape from the reality of bob the builder and sippie cups.

i can also bitch people out on my blog without naming names and no one knows and it makes me feeling so much better. that's a huge gain of cool points, for real!!!

and i like reading other peoples blogs, don't get me wrong. even those that are very different from my own. for instance...props to fashionablylate1 and thinkspot. my favorites to read. not because we all share the same interests but they write about things that are important to them or events that happen to them with full force. you can tell from what they write that they are excited about the subject matter or pissed off about it. uncensored emotion. (to a certain degree). it makes me think or get my mind off of my daily blah routine and that is what i crave. all are different and i know this and respect it.

this is my point of view. for those that read my blog. which i know i am not winning the blog popularity contest from comments by far. hell, i can't even link and still have the same layout as when i started this. priorities, i guess. we all have different ones and different directions we like to go in. so now you know mine.

why do you blog? why do read blogs? why do comment? why do you not comment?


Blogger j.c. said...

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11:56 PM  
Blogger j.c. said...

stepping up to the mic, tap, tap... Testing....

Is this thing on.

First things first, i will be working on that creation called Write On-soon. I too love YOUR blog.

Second. There are too many guidelines for most anything these days. EVERYTHING actually. People take things out of context- it is gossip. If you don't return a phone call ASAP- you are pissed. Keeping up the appearance the others like bc it is easier to conform to what people like rather than be an individual- is draining to one's true self. Point being, guidelines, standards blah blah blah all make people conform to something that them themselves don't even know. Or realize for that matter that they haven't been who they really are. Until they are thrown, tossed, slammed into something that IS. The AH-HA moment we all need and live for.

I use my blog for the same reasons. Sometimes I don't say some things that need to be said for the simple reason of not having a full blown war. Point made- people read to much between the lines! It is not necessary. People that don't see what I do, just don't. And I am not the one to be putting people in there place unless they ask for it and by that I mean they actually ask. Opinions are merely that. Anyone that feels like one motion they make is supposed to make the world stop and start revolving in the other direction better prepare for major catastrophes now!

I too miss us being closer and having these kinds of conversations only not about blogging. This is the one thing that I would never take seriously as far as what is written. I feel like some things should definitely stay private that people do put out there, but that is their call. Such as-no i won't go there, but you get my drift. If you are always writing from the heart or about something that you believe in or stand for or just fact or opinion—as long as it is what you are about, people on the street or in outer space shouldn’t matter. If you are writing about YOU you shouldn’t have to shy away from other people. Whatever I post about I would talk to you about in the store or on the phone, in a plane or in a train. Ya feel me. You are truly one of those people that I always get something out of our encounters and not just the latest dish. We are motivators and creators. We are thinkers and doers.(sp)

Also I comment bc I want the blogger to know that I do take time out to come and read their blog. I want them to know that if I have any advice or opinion that I will give them one. I want to encourage and anything else that I see fit to contribute to them bc of their writings. I want them to be validated and appreciated for being a person that opens themselves up for an audience. Not for the sake of admiration, but for the sake of having someone to listen.

Great topic jenn. You and ginger open the flood gates today. Congrats to you both for a great topic for today 4-5-06.( the day before my b-day!

luv ya gal.

12:05 AM  
Blogger Cara said...

I love it!! I, like you am a picture person.. I just love to see all of the cute pictures of everyone!! And love to post them as well!!
I blog because I like to use it as a way to keep in contact with friends and family who don't live close and get to see us often.. I also use it as a journal of our life.. As a mother, a wife, a family, and everything else that being a mother includes.. I want to be able to look back in 50 years and see what cute little thing that Dawson did that made me smile!!--I'm not looking for a popularity contest either..
I comment because I want people to know that I've read their posts, and not just trying to be nosy (I hate that)!! I want them to know that I care about what is going on in their lives..
I read other people's blogs to see what is going on in their lives, to see their ups and downs and to let them know that whatever they are going through, whether I know the whole story or not, I'm thinking about them and praying for them during their down times!!
I don't however use my blog as a vent.. Your right, somethings just need to be kept off of the internet for all the world to read.. I also think that alot of people vent about things and other people before knowing the whole story and end up making a complete ass of themselves!! (which is still funny to read!!hehe!!)
I'm just a blog addict, what else can I say!!

Great post!! Where are the pictures??? ;)

12:43 AM  
Blogger K.T. is Mommatude said...

I am new to the blog,but I know what you mean.Although I have divulged alot....I also have no shame.I do worry about whether or not my blog is funny or politically correct,sometimes I know a really good dirty joke or something of the like pops into my mind on the fly but I won't put it on the blog for fear of offending someone.I haven't always been this way,I used to be so blunt that people thought I was a bitch.My children have softened me up alot.Of course,when you are worried about what someone is going to think,alot of your blogs become about vacuuming or kids.[Although One of my children does inspire deep thought,(no fault of her own,just the way people treat her).]I do like to have adult conversations also,this blog was an outlet for that...

1:06 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi I ran across your blog through Jeanne's blog who I found through Cara and Jenny :p Reading blogs is so fun... kinda like those choose your own adventure books. After reading one blog I find a blog from their blog and so on. I've been going to Jenny and Cara's blog pretty regular for a while and branching off from there.

I originally started my blog to keep in touch with my Mom and let her know what's going on with me since she moved to Hawaii. I also blog about things that interest me and of course the frequent rants and raves I have at times :p

I usually leave a comment on any blog I read because like Jeanne said to show that I took time to actually read what you wrote.

I liked your blog and I'm sure I'll be coming back to read more :)

10:38 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh ya and I forgot to say I LOVE PICTURES! :p

10:52 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

thank you for yo comments. come back anytime kristiesue.

4:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey! i'm just learning how to have "adult conversations" again! ha.

my blog started out as a "free thinking space," but quickly turned a little too public when i linked it to my work site. so now it's a space balenced b/t work, baby, bitching and raving. life, eh?

i comment if someone really made me think or laugh. i don't comment if i don't have anything to say. or add. i am not good at small talk.

i agree about not blogging about work. i work for myself, so it's different, but when you're blogging about another company, it's so biased and potentially harmful. big companies indeed, but they were all started by a person like you or i.

i miss cursing out loud too.

7:25 AM  

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