Write On!!!


Totally Embarrassed!!!

My lotion and my watch have some type of reaction w/ each other when I sweat or get my arm wet. It makes a nasty black ring on my arm, but it does wipe off pretty easily.
I took Maddax and Stella for a walk around our neighborhood yesterday. Well, about two miles from home Maddax decides he was tired of walking and then so did Stella. So I am pulling her and carrying him...begging him everystep to walk. My arm was about to fall off. All the many people we saw in our neighborhood, who were very friendly, just smiled and waved and noted that I had my hands full. Yep, I did...pulling and carrying and sweating.

We got home and I was going to the bathroom to wash my hands off and clean up the sweat and junk. Anyway, I looked up in the mirror and guess what? A HUGE black line ran from the middle of my forehead to the left side of my cheek and over my left eye. I must have wiped my sweating forehead w/ the back side of my wrist...remember the WATCH problem.

I know we passed around fifteen people that live around us. How embarrassing!!! They probably thought I had a black eye and were thinking that poor girl with that baby and that dog. Gosh.

Anyway, that is my embarrassing moment for this week so far.


What to say...

I am not sure. I am so busy at work I don't have time to think about anything else. Except random thoughts of things I should have posted a week ago, like the death of a friend of mine...a friend I new only for a short time, but it is still very sad and especially for those that had been friends with this person for years. It is so hard. Think about it...your best friend...the person you call everyday, the person that calls you everyday, for anything...no matter how small or large...you give them the shirt off your back...love them no matter what they do...good or bad...love them for being them...and they love you for being you. This person is your side by side companion...partner in crime...Thelma and Louise...the hand you hold when they need you and the hand that holds your back...no matter what...no matter what....and now they are gone. Forever...no more crying on your shoulder, no more crying on theirs, no more phone calls from either end, no more needing you, helping you, listening to you, you listening to them, no more laughing at each other, no more laughing with each other...no more anything. They are gone.

Good-bye, Ryan Peterson. It was good to know you, although for only a short time.


Speaking of Memories...

Linking the Laura's and Chris's blog...not really, b/c I don't know how to link (ha ha!) Guess who I ran into last night? Ju Ju...WTF! His hair is blonde, yes blonde and not the kind that you get done at the salon...the kind you get done from a bottle of bleach at Walmart. He seems to be doing well and is still working at the auto department at Sears and has gotten a promotion or something...? I also have his new phone number, so Chris and Jeanne call me and I will give it to you. He says his family is doing ok...some days better than others, but overall they are ok. It is great to see old friends...brings back sooooo many memories.