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One weird Habit

I have a fear of walking into a room with my pants unzipped. This "your cows are getting out phobia" of mine is driving me crazy because I find myself constantly checking to see if my pants are zipped. I do not know how long I have been doing this, but it is becoming more and more of problem for me. The thing is I do not usually go around with my fly open, so why have I become obsessed with my zipper? Up or down, open or closed, I check myself all day. Maybe it is because I went to a job interview with my pants unzipped. Actually, it is the job I have now. How freaking embarrassing. A person would think that someone with a habitual zipper checking problem would not go to a job enter exposing her hot pink panties. I must have been nervous or else I would have checked my zipper. When I get nervous I forget things that normally would be second nature to remember (i.e. zipping my pants).


Blogger ginger said...

That is too funny. I'm always worried about my pants being too tight!

8:50 AM  
Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

HaHa! I am always worried about toilet paper being stuck on the bottom of my foot when I leave the bathroom...and something being on my butt or hanging out of my nose!!!!!! Any of you that have been anywhere with me know this!! I have gotten better about this over the years. :)

10:22 AM  
Blogger Reality Chick said...

Okay, Chris...MAYBE you have gotten better over the years, heehee. My thing is the fear of having food all up in my grill, especially if I'm on a remote. I eat constantly, so toothpicks are a must. I must be obsessed with my teeth, cause sometimes I dream they are all falling out! That is my worst nightmare...I'm so weird.

12:09 AM  

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