Write On!!!


sometimes there are just no words.

sometimes there are just no words. everything almost has changed since i last posted. i hope the new year is better. i hope to tie up the lose ends in my life in peace...that would be outstanding. nothing ever happens like you plan on it happening. i love my children. the love in me is them. that is all i can say about anything. live your life like you want to. be true to you because it will come through in other people. teach your children to pray. teach your children to apologize. respect their opinions and their moods. let them be sad if they want to and let them cry if they need to and don't forget that sometimes we all just need to scream...even a two year old, because damn it..sometimes it sucks. let them embrace all the things in life...even the disappointments.

and be happy. just learn to be. i can find happiness when i look for it. it is in the smallest things and the simplest gestures. you will find what you seek.