Write On!!!


BABY Chronicles

The Baby.

These are four weeks ago. I go to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully will find out if it is a boy or a girl. We are very stuck on names so if anyone has any bright ideas feel free to let me know. I know the boy name pretty sure, but the girl is still undecided. We are very excited and so is little Maddax. He has named "her" Jolie and Emily. And it is not up for arguement with him. that is her name and she is a girl and end of discussion.

Sorry for the lack of big ass belly pictures. If I post one please come check my temperature because something is definitely wrong with me. I did think about taking pictures of my thighs though and putting them on here. Week by week. The belly and the thighs are growing almost at the same rate, as well as another part of the body, but I will not go there.

hmmm....what else about pregnancy? oh, i have puked twice. once at work and once the day before yesterday putting on my makeup while getting ready for work. maddax has puked three times. twice the day before i puked at work and once after I puked putting on my makeup.

I can still wear my high heels with out tipping over so that is good. Maternity clothes still suck, even after the renovation of maternity fashion that happened the month after I gave birth to maddax....maternity clothes still suck. I wish I could wear sweats to work and I would probably be a happier person all together. Or at least more comforable. I can still wear my high heels...I know I said that, but hey, my feet still look not pregnant and that is comforting to me being that EVERYTHING else is spreading out. FAR out. My bras don't fit, my pants don't fit my shirts fit, but only if I am going to some redneck trailer park party where its cools for your boobs to hang beneath your shirt tail. Unfortunately, that not where I'm going.

i'll keep you posted.



I was going to do a separate blog for "the baby", but that is way to much to keep up with. These pictures are at thirteen weeks. On the middle one you can see its little face. We do not know what "it" is yet, but hopefully we will before Christmas. I will keep you updated. Oh, and yes, my belly is growing. NO pictures of that part. Sorry. I may change my mind about that, but I SERIOUSLY doubt it. Anybody know what we should name this kid? We have boy names, but NO GIRL NAME. I mean we cannot agree on anything. SO you help is appreciated!!! Let me know what you think.