Write On!!!


When do you stop trying?
When do you give up?

Do you stop...do you give up?

Do you forget your past and only look towards the future? How do you let go of the past...is this suppose to be easy or suppose to be that hard? And can your future really not develop without letting go of your past? Why does the past come back? Why do things you try so hard to get over and forget pop back up? Why do things from your past that you want to remember and want to renew stay gone? Is that the way it is suppose to be? You constantly are having to deal with overcoming the negativity of your past in order to be a stronger person, but the good things from that time have disappeared, written-off, forgotten. What's to learn from that? Good times go away, but the bad times follow you around like a lost puppy. Ok, Ok, Ok, I have learned, I am stronger, I am happy with who I am...so go away. Stop testing me...let me be me and let those that want to be a part of my life reveal themselves and not be too scared or too worried about what everyone else thinks to say so.

Say that we all make mistakes, you and I...because we are human. Say that you have missed me. Say that you are my friend. Say these things because you mean them or don't say them because you don't feel that way, but don't keep from saying them because too much time has passed or because my small world is not welcome in your big one because someone may feel I don't belong. Say you love me because you do.

Don't say your sorry. Don't apologize to me because we have both been wrong. And two wrongs don't make anything right. It only puts real what we have done and maybe that is not wrong. We let go...we let go of things to see if it would make it better. But I didn't really let go...just put it in my pocket for awhile...I've still been carrying you around with me everyday...waiting to see what would happen and if things would be better. Things are better, so much better, but not because of the lack of you being here, but because when I let go of you...I let go of everything/everyone else as well. Doing that opened my eyes to the importance of what was here and what was not. What I need and what I don't need. Who I want to be a part of my life and who I would be better off without. This has not been easy by any means, but I have accomplished one true thing through this...and that is knowing what life is like without a lot of people whom at one time where a really huge part of my everyday. I have learned a lot from this, at the expense of being stressed and sad and lonely, yes, a lot of times, but I did it and I managed and I learned.

What I learned? There are new friends behind every corner, but the old ones you miss the most. There are people who care about me and love me no matter what, there are people who care about me and love me with some stipulations and rules, there are people who care about me and love me when its convenient....I learned there is a life out there that I can live without the advice of anyone else, I can do this thing without small talk or long, dragged out conversations. My life is God's and mine...we are and should be the only two people in control of it. Stand up for myself and know myself and do not question myself or my judgment because not everyone walks the same walk with the same pair of shoes on. And to know that and to feel that and never forget it. Don't second guess myself at the advice of other people. Take what they offer and fumble through it and decide for myself what it worthy and what is not. Don't let loving somebody lead you in the wrong places because people that do love you would never take you there in the first place. Take the intentions of friends with the benefit of the doubt the first time and maybe the second, but after that is it time to look at the big picture. I have learned that easy come, easy go it not that hard to accomplish physically, but memories are hard to bury.

I have also learned that some people, yes, I am better off without, but your not one of them.


Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

Wow. That brain of yours is something else. :)
I believe that people are my friends no matter what. I cherish all of my friendships so much. I can not imagine ever holding a grudge towards a friend for too long. It may take me a while to have that "talk" or write that "letter." But, life is too short. Maybe who ever you are talking about really isn't a true friend. Do like we have had to do to so many guys...dust yourself off and try again. And I know you remember the dance we did when we sang those words!!! :) I hold all of my friends too close to let any of them go forever...that is just me. I love you. :)

4:18 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

That is me too. You are wonderful because you can read me without even knowing. I love you like a sister, seriously. Life is so short, more than we even know. I miss you too, dearly. More than you know. I am so happy for you and aaron and baby Harper. Life goes on and that proves it. You are only part of the lives you choose to be. Thank you for always hanging with me no matter what. You have never turned your back on me and that I will never forget, I promise. I love you and Aaron, you are a part of our family. Please don't ever doubt that because you are. And we need you to know that.

8:28 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Do you remember when those doctors told me that Maddax may have luekemia? I know who was there. Mr. jim and Mr.Debbie and me, I know who has been there through the times when I couldn't and wouldn't make it on my own. My baby loves you too. You have given me strength when there was no strength to be found and there is nothing you could say to me or do to me that would ever make me leave our friendship. No matter what you do, see, hear or experience. I am here for you as you are for me.

8:33 AM  
Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

And I was doing so good about not crying...sniff sniff. That is the sweetest thing I have read in... well ever. Thank you Jennifer. I miss y'all more than you will ever know. Especially since I live in this stupid town that no one likes to visit! We are so ready to move! My weekends are slowing down and I will be down to visit you and baby Maddax. What will we call him next? Boy Maddax? :) He is growing so fast. Thank you for always being there for me too...no matter what. We love you and your family so much. I feel so blessed to have all of the wonderful friendships I have. I can't imagine the loss in someones life, just not speaking anymore. Their loss huh?

8:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


it is the old friends you miss the most. i find myself going from town to town trying to replace the same people. can't be done.

11:50 AM  
Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

Aww Jennifer...I am sorry. I know we will see y'all more when we move to H-town! I know what you mean about seeing old pictures...makes me cry too. I was telling someone the other day about the stuff we used to wear. Remember the hankerchief tops? Yeah, we used to wear those and looked damn good in them too! That is so funny to think back on. I had some of the best times with you and Laura in Jonesboro. We were good girls...we went to class, had jobs and had fun. I don't regret any of it. Those fun days are over and now we have to make different fun memories. I know what you mean about missing your friends. I feel like I have no one up here sometimes... I love y'all and we will visit more soon! I promise. :)

11:31 AM  
Blogger j.c. said...

I know this much is true. I have finally decided in my own life that some people don't deserve you, us, anyone. That one thing that is constantly pointed out or disliked by others sometimes is our greatest strength that hasn't fully evolved. You Jennifer, have a unique way of looking a every situation. You are a wonderful listener and friend. I think that time is a healer in many ways. Even though you may lose a few friends, the true ones always shine the brightest. Maddax is so lucky to have you for a mother. I have always thought that, but something about the last visit I had with you made me once again stop and smell the roses. I admire you for more than I think you know and I am sorry if I don't tell you why enough. But you are a wonderful friend to have because of all your special characteristics and talents. I love you always.

8:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People are so lucky to have you as a friend and companion. You always look on the bright side of every situation, and find good in EVERYONE. You are the most forgiving of anyone I know. Things just roll off and fade away. You have to realize that people do change and most of the time for the worse. All you can take with you on this journey is that you tried. True friends love each other because of who they are, not what they have, who they know, or the road in life they choose to take. You always except others for you they truly are. Others could learn alot from you. Wish I could be as patient and forgiving as you. I envy you for your strength.

12:29 AM  
Blogger Emerson said...

Wow! Pretty deep!! I think we can change and go different ways. Our path might be parallel, they may intertwine, they may go different directions. If it is meant to be, your paths will cross again. You should know that you are cared for (obvioulsy by all these GREAT comments) and I am sure this person you are talking about still cares about you. He/she I am sure just wants the best for you which might not include them at this time.

4:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fantastic blog - stay with it. Here's a subject that interests many: how to write a business letter No more wondering how to write a business letter

6:44 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

First of all, I have an English degree. I don't need any freaking help writing business letters, but thanks anyway.

Secondly, thanks for the comments. I love you, guys and am very thankful to have you. Things just hit us differently at different times. Now, as I go back and read this and read your comments, it kind of hits in a new way.

More like, why am I fretting over the loss of a couple of people when there are so many others who love me? I guess I need to get over it and let it go.

I am happy with what I have.

I know I am too forgiving. That is a strength and a weakness of mine. I just try to treat people the way I want to be treated instead of treating people how they treat me.

I wish I was not so forgiving a lot of times. That would end the insurmountable pile of bullshit and drama I have put up with in my life. But we learn, nevertheless, from out mistakes, Right?

10:38 PM  

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