Write On!!!


Sometimes, the best time I have is just being. At home, on the couch, turn off the phone, and sit with Maddax reading or playing, just doing nothing. I love my son and I am a good mother and that makes me happy. Our bond we have is not comparable to any other mother/child bond of anyone else I know. For one, because it is just the two of us. Our time together is consumed with each and that makes it special. Yes, he gets tired of me and I know that, which I think he is pretty tired of me right now. I can always tell when we are getting on each others nerves and need a break ...he wakes up in a bad mood and when I pick him up from school he is happy to see me at first, then when we get in the car he just sits looking bored. Then I get all yippy and happy and try to talk to him and he tells me, "hush, Mommy. You not my friend." Of course he doesn't mean it and I know that so I keep on aggravating the mess out of him. Sorry, Maddax I am your friend and you are mine. You are my best friend and a blessing. With you, there is no judging or degrading. You are security instead of insecurity and love instead of betrayal. And I know that no matter what you will always love me...Unconditionally. I will always love you, no matter what. You are my strength and my weakness. You hold my hand when it looks as though I am holding yours. You make me see the truth in the world around us. Through your innocent eyes you help me see the small things...the important things.

Maddax is also very lucky to have many grandparents that love him and want to keep him so often. They are such a big help to me and do not even know it. More than that, though, he loves them all very much, which is important to me. I had very strong relationships with my grandparents and I miss the ones that are gone so much and it is amazing how often I think of them. They had such an outstanding impact on my life as a small child and as an adult now. I am fortunate enough to have both of my mother's parents still with me. The thought of losing them, my mom and my pop, makes me hurt all over. I was thinking the other day if something happened to my grandmother I would have to be put somewhere b/c I love her so much. She is the most beautiful part of our family. Thank you, to my parents, for giving me the opportunity to know my grandparents in a way that I don't think all children get to. I feel like I was raised by both in a way, my parents and grandparents. I want only the same experience for Maddax and boy is he lucky to have so many that love him. I have actually been criticized for letting him go to see his grandparents too much. Probably every other weekend he goes to stay with one grandparent or another, and to some people I guess that seems like too much. It doesn't seem like too much to me and it sure doesn't to Maddax. He loves them, dearly and they love him. It seems very fortunate to me.


Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

That was just wonderful. I loved it. Grandparents are so very special and you have wonderful ones. I love your grandmother like she was my own, she is a very special lady. I think it is great that Maddax gets to spend time with them. I love you both and will see you tomorrow. ;)

2:45 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Your grandmother was very special to me also and so is your Grandpa. We are very fortunate to have those types of relationships b/c not many people do. C-ya Soon. What is so funny is that Maddax's grandparents have been calling wanting him, but I have been hogging him to myself for the past three weekends. His north of here grandma is not too trilled about that and will be more upset when she finds out he won't be staying with her next weekend either. I guess no one really likes to share no matter how old you are! HA HA

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

god i wish i had a grandparent around here. penn thinks every time i pick up the phone we're going to call papa. (so now we call papa all the time, haha. yeah speaker phones!)

i like that you say maddox gets tired of you. i think penn gets tired of me too sometimes. even though benji's here, it's not too much. he sees p. in the morning for maybe an hour and then at night for maybe two hours, and he travels a lot, so it's for the most part, just penn and i. . .no school, daycare, or grandparents.

he says "mama" in the cutest way that he knows will get him either out of anything (almost) or will get him a big hug.

9:59 AM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

what a sweet post. it makes me nervous to think when i have kids my family is going to be so far away. maddax is so lucky!! i used to spend weeks during the summer with my mom's family in missouri. it's never too much!!!

6:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As one of the people who consider themselves grandparents, I hope you keep letting us be a part of Madddax's life. He's the most precious thing to me, I have so much fun with him. I had a close relationship with my grandparents, and Jennifer did, too. Steve didn't get to have that, and I'm very sorry he missed out on that special relationship. Don't pay any attention to people who are critical of things they really don't know about. People who love you want the best for you and Maddax, and aren't judgemental. Love, Ms Deb

3:04 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

Thank you all for your posts and your thoughts.

3:28 AM  

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