Write On!!!



These are things just about me...

1. I was born in Monroe, Louisiana
2. I am left-handed
3. I love to write (creatively that is)
4. I am an artist
5. I am 5'8'', but 3-4 inches taller most of the time b/c I love to wear HIGH HEELS!!!
6. I am obsessed w/ shoes, purses, belts and bracelets!!!
7. I have a hard time taking "no" for an answer
8. I am a single mother, BY CHOICE
9. I do NOT receive any government assistance WHATSOEVER...so, NO, your tax dollars are not paying for anything of mine...(just to clear up the stereotype)
10. Seafood is my favorite
11. I hate tacos and anything and everything to do w/ the meat and sauce that goes in them
12. In the last three years I have became a mom, gotten married, gotten unmarried, became a commissioned artist, moved SEVEN times, (four times to and from different cities and once to another state), graduated college, accepted and attended graduate school, took on a profession(not all in order) and somehow maintained my sanity.
13. I am more sane now than was before the earlier three years (see no. 12)
14. I believe in soul mates...there is someone for everyone
15. I am a very spiritual person
16. I believe all things do happen for a reason
17. I believe in second chances
18. I would choose love over ANY amount of money
19. I give my friends the shirt off my back and DO NOT expect them to return it
20. I cannot tolerate a LIAR
21. I am not a morning person
22. Do not ask me to repeat myself over and over...that is aggravating
23. I love coffee
24. I could live on diet coke and wheat thins
25. My parents are divorced
26. I am fascinated by people
27. I want to start my own magazine and/or business
28. I like to volunteer
29. Telling someone you love them and showing someone you love them are two totally different things
30. I have been blessed with many people that love me
31. I forgive people too easily
32. I balance my checkbook to the penny
33. I am a LEO
34. I love cold weather and football
35. I don't worry about the price of gas
36. the city vs. the country...I love them both
37. I haven't received flowers from a "significant other" in...well, so many years I could say never and feel like I was telling the truth
38. I love music...all music
39. I feel like I have lived an interesting life so far
40. I don't do anything by the book
41. I will marry the man that buys me a jewelry box
42. I want a bigger car
43. I am not satisfied in my current occupational position
44. I love to live by the moment
45. My grandfather raised ostriches and emus at one time
46. My mother almost named me Clairese
47. I was conceived while she was on birthcontrol...HA HA (sorry mother)
48. yeah, my hair really is this color
49. I do not own any scales
50. I can do a backhand spring
51. I LOVE the water
52. I never thought I would have a child (but I am so glad I do, you are my joy)
53. I have a weakness for Doritoes
54. Gin and Tonic w/ two limes by favorites, but choose beer...getting drunk is not attractive
55. I jumped off the top of my grandfather's (Daddy Boy) barn once
56. I believe that if you can visualize yourself doing something, then you CAN do it
57. I have two tattoos
58. I hate one of them
59. I would rather not date a man w/ children
60. Everyone in family on my paternal side goes by a nickname
61. Mine is Jenna V or V
62. I do not have any ugly relatives...which I think is kind of weird.
63. Five years ago I thought I would be living in NYC writing right now
64. Religion interest me...all religions and their differences and similarities
65. I prefer big dogs over small ones
66. I am not my friends
67. I have a weakness for expensive jeans and shoes
68. I love being outside
69. I will go to the store without my makeup
70. I am going to write a book (sometime :))
71. I am Pro Choice
72. My favorite color is blue, all shades
73. I love my grandparents and miss them dearly
74. I can play the piano...(sorta...one song by memory)
75. I can play the guitar...(but, I suck at that for sure)
76. I love words, different words and there meaning
77. My spontaneity makes me who I am
78. I have a Bachelor's degree in English
79. I still put a comma before "and" in a series...HA HA...can't teach an old dog new tricks!
80. I know of three people born on the same day as me that are also lefthanded
81. I am very laid-back person

82. I want to travel all over the world with my son
83. I get a rush from driving in heavy traffic (that is moving!!!)
84. I want to go to Italy
85. I find confidence and comfort in knowing who I am
86. I love flowers
87. I like spending some time alone
88. I learned at a very young age that the most awesome purse is not complete w/ out matching shoes...thank you, Aunt Nemmie.
89. I like to walk barefoot in the mud
90. My middle name is Marie, after my Grandmother
91. Just b/c people have a degree/certification in something does not mean they are experts or lack the ability to make mistakes...see #76 :}
92. Driving relaxes me
93. I can stay in Wal-Mart/Target for HOURS
94. AR, LA, MS, MI, MO, TX, AL, FL, NC, SC, GA, NM, AZ, NV, CO, OK, KY are the states I've been to...and TN (duh, I lived there!!)
95. I need to get out more...
96. I love breakfast food, at all times of the day
97. And Little Debbies
98. I like to read celebrity gossip
99. I am not a very good blogger...but trying to do better!

Will finish this later.


Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

Awesome post, I love it! I can honestly say I know you like a book. You have acomplished so much in your life. Love you

4:01 AM  
Blogger ginger said...

Good list!

12:25 AM  
Blogger Chris said...

Wow what a list. I know you better then I know myself...Now what was your name again?

12:43 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

HA HA, yeah maybe TMI.

1:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so much time has passed. i just don't have enough really really good friends in dallas. the more of your blog i read the more i'd like to poof us and our babies into the same town again.

awesome list.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

I know Carissa. We should plan a big reuniting sometime. I was actually suppose to go to Dallas a couple of weeks ago and was going to try to get a hold of you, but I decided not to come. My dad's girlfriend is from there and all of her kids still live in Dallas and we were coming to visit. I would love to see you and meet your little family.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Lindsay said...

love the list!

11:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:56 AM  
Blogger Jennifer said...



6:12 AM  

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