Write On!!!


Someone Give Me a SPOON...

I feel like stirring!

Here is my question blogger people...What are your political views? The importance of this for me is the WHY? Why are your Rep/Dem ideals or opinions what they are? Please provide examples.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am really torn between what a democrat and a republican really means. I know that the republicans make sure we keep the right to bear arms so that we can protect ourselves and firearms are not banned...????? Democrats, I have always heard that they are more for the people. They don't already have agenda's before they hear what the people want. But me, I don't really categorize myself. I listen to what people have to say and if it is something that I feel strongly about, I try to get involved. I don't think that you have to be either to get involved, like the pledge in schools. I just wished more people would speak up to the ones that can make a difference and not just coffee talk.

9:42 PM  
Blogger Jennifer said...

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10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I decide what I think and feel about issues based on personal experiences, most of the time. Its easy to judge people and decide they're wrong when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes. I don't identify with either political party exclusivly, they both irritate me equally. I admire you for asking a hard question that requires people to think about how they really feel, instead of only soft subjects..Love, Ms Deb

10:57 PM  
Blogger Reality Chick said...

Great question, Jen...sorry I took so long to reply...
I agree with Deb, and Jeanne you do bring up a good point. The political lines have now become so blurred, that it is downright confusing to most people.
The democratic party did once stand 'for the people', as many of our grandparents will tell you to this day. But they were talking about the democratic party back in the days of Teddy Rosevelt. Unfortunately, that is not the same party as today's. IMO, the dem. party has lost sight of it's humble roots, and is too liberal for my tastes. On the other hand, the republican party comes across as the 'rich man's party'. That may be true, but IMO, they represent more of the interests that are important to me, like the right to keep and bear arms, keeping God IN our schools and recognizing that our forefathers founded this country on those principles. They tend to side more with conservativism. Herein lies the problem....I'm like Deb, a little of both. What one should do is learn about your choices for goverment officials before you vote...decide whom represents your interest more, and vote accordingly. There is no clear-cut answer...and just because someone declares a party on a ballot DOES NOT mean that they believe everything about that party.
For example: our State Senator Jimmy Jeffress is a registered Democrat...yet, he support AND is endorsed by the National Rifle Association. That is important to me! If I didn't vote for him simply because he's a democrat, then I would be doing myself an injustice. Educate yourself...read your history books...ask around. And ask yourself, "What do I believe in?"

1:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good post, Polly. Ms Deb

1:52 AM  
Blogger Chris Streeter Davis said...

I must say I totally agree with my aunt. I know, I know, have your own opinion...I couldn't have said it better myself. Really

7:23 AM  

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