This is a cool picture that Jeanne took. I actually think we were laughing b/c we were walking forwards over the bridge and jeanne (in front of us w/ the camera) turns around and walks backwards so she can take pics of us. well, as she was taking our picture she walked backwards into a whole group of people...ha ha...hilarious. she plowed 'em.

I didn't actually take any photos of the LIVE "concert". I will have to steal some from Jeanne. She got some great ones, they were in the front....getting plowed back by moshers. Anyway, this is jeanne and jason sitting waiting for it to start
"Shows over, its hot, we gotta walk all the way back...where them fools at, Jeanne?" "I don't know, Jason, calm down."
"where'd that heifer go? Damn, who's she done ran into now?" "I don't know man, but its hot. She better come on."
Can't wait until next year....
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