when it rains it pours....
Ok...ever wonder what it would look like if your ceiling just decided to fall?
Well, I can tell you...it looks something like this

look closely, (these are cell phone pics so kinda blurry) at the green apples on the floor. just bought those bastards that night. ruined. the bowl they were in..ruined. the leather couch...scratched to hell. tv...scratched. girl sleeping on the couch...thank god she left twenty minutes before. and thank god nick and i got out of the chair sitting in the far right corner. my dog is permanent tramatized, i think.

a repairman showed up w/ a hammer and ladder and said he came to repair my ceiling. i still don't know what he thought that hammer was going to fix. he needed an army.
needlesstosay, i am so looking forward to the big icestorm that is headed our way.
Holy Crap that is a mess!!
Too bad you ain't going to be there this weekend!! Maybe you will come home Sunday or Monday and they will have it fixed. I am so glad that no one was hurt!
Your house is made out of some different material and to me it would look like that couldn't have happened? Really odd.
How awful! I am so glad y'all weren't in there. Where was Stella when it happened? I would get out of the house this weekend for sure! Please continue to hang in there. I will be praying for you! :)
why the hell did your ceiling fall in ? thanks for coming up.
That sucks!! I'd hate to be the one who has to clean up all of that mess... Bless your heart!
I hope this week is better than last!;)
OMG what made it fall. Glad you weren't in there and I feel bad for the dog. Too funny the repairman coming in with a hammer.
well, it all started when we were hanging from the ceiling fan....
HA HA just kidding. Don't know. It just fell in the middle of the night. We were all freaked out and terrified. Maddax keeps thinking the house if going to fall. Poor baby. let you know what happens next with this story.
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