This picture was taken exactly two years ago to the day. It is one of my absolute favorites. My baby has changed so much. It is so so hard to believe. He is getting sassier everyday. And has informed my this morning that he doesn't think he needs to go to school anymore. Hmmm....3 1/2 years old...it is going to be a long road to hoe baby ma ma. He also got in trouble at school for saying "stupid head." ( i was honestly suprised he wasn't saying "dumb ass" - we can thank Grammie for that one) He told me all about it and now he is totally into telling me what all the "bad words" are. Thanks to his teacher...he now knows there are words we are not supposed to say, which everyone knows makes us only want to say them more. Also, he has learned to spit. He also got in trouble for this. I guess I can thank all the spitters and skoal dippers that make this act look so cool when in reality it is disgusting and rude. He has also slept in his bed all night long two nights in a row!!! Whooo hooo! I hope we can keep this up. I remember when I would go and get him out of his bed and put him in mine b/c I didn't want to sleep alone. It is very hard for me at times...many, many times, but I feel so fortunate to have him all to myself. I wouldn't change it for the world. He loves me no matter what. There is no love like it.
Spitting, name calling, trouble at school, yep sounds like a full fledged BOY to me.
He will grow out of all that. At least he isn't saying chicken nugget head and freak like jaxon. Freak? Now i really don't know where he heard that.
It shall too pass :) It really is funny though.
That picture is precious. Little Maddax is growing up so fast. Once Brynn Harper gets here, we will be traveling to visit both of you and your little darlings. I miss them so much.:)
I guess I better get ready for the bad words and bad habits she will pick up too. :(
I have to admit, chicken nugget head is pretty funny! And not bad at all. :)
I am glad Maddax hasn't been around Aaron lately b/c you could blame the spitting on him!! I hate that he dips...he is working on it though.
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